After being up all night as my son had a fever- this is very much a note to self… and for anyone else that needs to hear this today
It goes without saying that options are more limited when your baby/child isn’t very well… but that doesn’t mean looking after yourself has to completely stop… Just gotta be creative and intentional about a bit of easy self care- ain’t that right mama?!

Here’s my plan:
gonna pepper my day with a few podcasts that lift my mood (I know saying pepper my day sounds wanky- but I love it and won’t stop 😄)
fancy herbal teas in my fav mug- I always try and sit down/slow down/sip slow for a mindful moment
cuddles under a weighted blanket (if you don’t have one I can’t recommend enough. The compression helps relax/calm the nervous system)
set some dates up in my diary for March to: see friends, take myself on a date (been doing this recently) and visit somewhere I’ve wanted to for a while. Knowing you have things to look forward to always boosts your mood!
cook a nice Sunday meal with some bangers in the background, or if we don’t fancy the faff- getting a take away guilt free
heading on a walk for some fresh air
holding out for a hot bubble bath and a book this eve (maybe wishful thinking if little man is unwell but we shall see!)
Now let’s hope that helps with another sick Sunday write off! 🤒
What small things are you going to do today FOR YOU?