Our babies first learn that they are loved through the language of touch.
When they need are upset, we comfort them through cuddles. When they are unsettled, we rock them to sleep. When they have hurt themselves, we kiss them and rub it better. All these acts of touch send clear signals to our babies that they are loved, that they are cared for and that they are safe.
These moments of touch directly communicate these significant messages of love and safety to our babies, which over time supports babies to build strong attachments to their primary care givers. They build trust and confidence in their care givers that their needs will be met and that they are cared for, allowing them to securely attach and feel safe.
Baby massage is another beautiful way of communicating to our babies that they are loved, cared for and safe. Babies experience opportunities to feel calm and settled, experience soothing strokes that support with overall well-being and plenty of skin to skin and loving touch.
For our parents it provides an opportunity to slow down in this busy world, and deeply connect with our babies.
It’s proven to boost levels of oxytocin and supports parents to feel more confident in caring for their babies.